Vision i världen

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tisdag 25 oktober 2011

Joint Statement om krisen

Det lyckades – vi kom överens med de kommunala arbetsgivarna på EU nivå (CEMR) om en ”joint statement” om den ekonomiska krisen och hänvänt till EU toppmötet på onsdag. Tyvärr saknar jag flera frågor i statementen som jag gärna så fört fram också – finansieringen af och de offentliga tjänsterna/välfärdstjänsternas kvalitet, de våldsamma nedskärningarna i välfärdstjänsternas konsekvenser för medborgarna, men också för kvinnorna som isär drabbas av de många avskedanden i välfärdssektorn.
Men man kan inte få allt och det var viktig att vi kom överens och att vi gemensamt kunna uttrycka vårt bekymmer för konsekvenserna av den ekonomiska politiken.
Vi skriver bland annat följande:
Following the joint discussions of the Local and Regional Government Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee between CEMR-EP and EPSU municipal employers and trade unions remind the Council ahead of its meeting 26 October 2011 to take into account requirements linked to the promotion of a high level of employment, the guarantee of adequate social protection, the fight against social exclusion in defining and implementing EU policy as clearly set out in Article 9 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union.
Municipal employers and trade unions are deeply concerned about the current economic and social developments and jointly state that:
  • the austerity policy followed by dramatic cuts in public services and investments has only contributed to the negative development in growth and employment and will continue to undermine labour markets and the social model of Europe. The current overriding concern in economic policy has been to foster economic stability and balance budget deficits at the expense of the public sector without reflecting on alternatives of public income.
  • as a result resources for local and regional government are being continuously cut, which leaves local and regional government with new and greater obligations to maintain quality local public services. Creating new financial burdens is risking a race to the bottom for the provision of these services to European citizens, and excluding the most vulnerable, the young, the elderly, the low-skilled or the unemployed.
  • the European Council must take a long-term perspective, maintaining sustainable development in all its dimensions, when coordinating their responses to the crisis and to reflect this in their national reform plans,in order that local and regional governments are able to continue long-term planning and develop viable approaches. To strengthen, facilitate and enhance the Social Dialogue, including finding innovative ways of cooperating, is vital in achieving this goal.

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