Vision i världen

Vad gör Vision i Bryssel? Vad håller vi på med i de internationella organisationer som vi är anslutna till? Hur påverkar vi på de olika internationella arenor där vi finns?
Följ med på min blogg – jag ska försöka ge en inblick i hur vi jobbar internationellt och vad vi åstadkommer.

Jag kommer inte bara att referera och beskriva utan också dela med mig av mina personliga tankar och funderingar kring det som händer på den internationella arenan.

måndag 15 november 2010

Från alla oss till - bara EU Kommissionen

Har just skickat SKTF yttrande till EU Kommissionen om grönboken om pensioner – ”Green Paper – towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems”.
Yttrande ligger i tråd med det svar vi skickade till TCO i samma fråga och som jag beskrev här på bloggen 27:e oktober. Vi har preciserat vår synpunkt när det rör sig jobben och kollektivavtalens betydelse, också i frågan om pensioner.
Vi har istället skrevet en inledning som går på temat fattigdom och ”decent pension”.
SKTF welcomes a European debate on pension and the Green Paper “Adequate, Sustainable and Safe European Pension Systems” launched by the Commission July the 7th 2010. As the Commission writes in the green paper “Millions of Europeans are wholly dependent on pension”[1]. Adequate, sustainable and safe pension is therefore of great importance for them to secure a decent life after retirement. But decent pension and decent life after retirement is not the reality for many, on the contrary millions of pensioners live in poverty and without hope for a better life. A European debate on how pensioners life can be improve is therefore needed and essential.
Having said that SKTF wish to point out that the European Union according to the current treaties has no competence to intervene in national pensions systems, their organisation, structure and financing.
On the other hand the European Union could play a positive and constructive role in this area together with the member states to set up common goals for the Union concerning the obligation for the member states to ensure the future pensioners a decent pension.
A better, adequate, sustainable and safe pension also gives coming pensioners better possibilities to buy goods and services and so contribute to national economy. Deterioration of pension would have to opposite effect and be a downward spiral that only would result in increased poverty and negative effect on the national economy.
Pension systems in Europe are very different and are a result of national history, the political and social development. Not all pension systems are built on pay-as-you-go but consist of a variety pensions schemes. The old-age dependency ration doesn’t have the same meaning or consequences if an increasing part of pensions are funded through e.g. collective bargained occupational pension schemes or other different forms of funded legal state pension systems/schemes.

[1] Green Paper page 2

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